Kit Kit what?
What the hell is Kitkitdizzi and how do you say it? It's pronounced: kit-kid-dizzy, but without heavily spacing or over annunciating those four syllables. It's native to the western slopes of the Sierra Nevada. It's also known as Bear Clover, Tar Weed or Mountain Misery - reportedly because of the way it would inhibit the smooth functioning of passing wagon wheels. It was used traditionally as an herbal remedy for colds and coughs, and later for rheumatism, chicken pox, measles, smallpox and other diseases. It makes a mean cocktail addition, is a nitrogen fixer and a member of the Rose...

We grew up in Nevada City, California at the base of the Sierra Nevada mountains, the ancestral homelands of the Nisenan peoples. We found each other at the age 5 and have been inseparable since, weaving in and out of creative endeavors along the way.
Our dear friend Jen Sheffield Weil first opened Kitkitdizzi, with the help of our other friend Nikiya Schwarz, at the top of Broad St in 2012. Shortly after opening, Kira was coaxed into bringing her vintage curating...