Our bees gather nectar and pollen from a variety of foothill flowers in Nevada County. Examples of some are coffeeberry, clover, blackberry, and vetch.
100% pure, unfiltered, and raw California honey
11oz or 22oz, glass jar
Rest assured that the honey and wax products you purchase from us are genuine and authentic, from our approx. 600 bee hives. We care for and manage our bees all on our own, including extracting honey, bottling and labeling all of our honey.
Our bees are the stars of the show, so we treat them as such. We manage our bees in a more "organic" fashion by never introducing synthetic chemicals or antibiotics into our hives. We use only labeled and approved organic treatments. Can the residues found in the honey, from synthetic chemicals and antibiotics, pose health concerns? We do not know the answer to this, but why take the chance? Buy our honey, and rest assured there will be zero residues of any of these chemicals or antibiotics.